Ashwin Batish Concert & Concert Schedule 2001

Upcoming Concerts!!

May 15th and 16th - La Petit Trianon, San Jose with San Jose Chamber Orchestra featuring Taylor Eigesti on Piano and Ashwin batish on Tabla in song Ekta by Brent Heisinger

May 27th 2010 - Don Quixote in Felton, California. Ashiwn Batish Sitar and Keshav Batish Tabla. An evening of classical and fusion music. Woth special guests.

Old concert photos and artcles

Ashwin Batish is one of this year's honored recipients of the Calabash Award.Ashwin Batish is one of this year's honored recipients of the Calabash Award.

Calabash Awards 2001
Honors Excellence in the Ethnic Arts

by Greg Archer

For Ashwin Batish, it’s all about “sitar power.” This is not a news flash. Batish’s funky obsidian cap carries that very message — the power of the sitar has been very good to him. So good, that this year, Batish is being honored along with seven other extraordinary artists who have made significant contributions to ethnic arts in the community, at the 2001 Calabash Awards on Friday, March 9 at Cabrillo College Theater.

Here is a review of a concert.....

Ashwin Batish in concert with the Violent Femmes

Good Vibes for New Times

Review of Concert by Violent Femmes with special guest Ashwin Batish
by Steve Palopoli (Good Times, September 25, 1997. p. 45) Santa Cruz, California.

How could any fan of the Violent Femmes have left the Catalyst show on Sunday feeling unsatisfied? How could anyone have? With a lot of songs from their first album having become all-rock classics they've gained a new status as quirky guitar heroes over the last few years, and they seem comfortable enough with the idea. I'm serious, there were kids who were probably born around the time the Femmes debuted screaming the words to "Blister in the Sun" and "Promise." What a scene.

Did you know that was Ashwin Batish of the Batish's on Mission Street jamming on the sitar up there? He was amazing, especially his duels with bassist Brian Ritchie and drummer Guy Hoffman. Turns out Batish, who says he first started blending Western music into his sitar compositions about ten years ago, met Ritchie in 1989 in Germany, where they were playing some very experimental stuff together. Since then, he says, he's enjoyed playing with the Femmes when the opportunity arises.

"They just give me a call, we don't rehearse or anything," says Batish, who among other things produces instructional tapes on Indian music. "They just say, `play in the key of G.'"

It's a great pairing. Batish's unique Eastern sound and the Femmes unique style of Rock. Kudos to the band for realising it could work and kudos to Batish for playing along..........

Please check this page again for information about past and future Batish Family concerts. We plan on displaying concert highlights including photographic coverage and audio/video clips. The Batish's are also available for lecture/demonstration and seminars on the music of India. You may contact Surendra Batish at 1-800-RAG-MALA for further information on their availability/dates.

Here are photos from Ashwin's past tours....

Ashwin Batish at the Bombay Broadcasting Network, New York.... Being interviewed by Anita Raj

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